Julie & Carol (who work in my old office building) – January 11th

What happens when daddy gets ointment in your hair – January 22nd
Enjoying her Jumparoo (thanks Sarah!) – January 31st

In her Bebe Pod – February 4th

Macy – February 10th

Valentine’s Day – February 14th

February 17th
Shawn & Melissa:

German & Brittany

February 20th – Watching TV:

February 28, 2007
Tonight Alison, Emma Kate, and I were in the living room. I was on the laptop on the chaise, and Alison and EK were on the other couch. All of a sudden, she said “Da-da”. I looked up. Alison said, “Did you hear what she just said?” I said, “Yeah.” And she said, “Come over here and see if she’ll say it again.” So I walked up to her and said “Da-da” and she repeated back “Da-da”! Oh my gosh! I never thought I could be this excited!! She said it a couple more times, so it clearly wasn’t an accident. At the time I was thinking…I’m definitely her favorite. But Alison says that “Da-da” is a little easier to say than “Mama”. I don’t know if I believe her!
February 25, 2007
Emma Kate was visited by her cousin Jadon, Uncle Jay, and Aunt Donette this week. The highlight of the visit was a trip to the Georgia Aquarium. Emma Kate loved it!!! I hate that I missed seeing her reaction. I wish we had more photos!

February 24, 2007
With cousin Madeline:

With cousin Addison:

In her pretty lemon outfit from Grandma Kirkland:

February 11, 2007